22 January, 2013

Solving the Abner Ravenwood’s diary conundrum could still get us inspired

 Are we as a civilization showing promise?
Last month the University of Chicago got a big surprise.  Under the guise of legitimate post, Professor Ravenwood "sent" Indiana Jones his Diary.  The package was addressed to "Henry Walton Jones, Jr."

The intricate and well thought contents of the package had the University in a quandary. The book is a physical replica of Abner Ravenwood's Diary, containing hand made notes and maps.
This perplexed the University to the point of setting up and email tip line urging those with information to come forward.

There are many opinions to explain this random event. Explanations range from dares, an"outside the box" admissions application, and art abandonment.

Unfortunately, the great mystery so to speak, was solved.  A gentleman in Guam made the journal.
"Charfauros made the prop replica and mailed it to a customer in Italy, but it fell out of its original packaging in Honolulu. The journal was still, however, in a smaller envelope — with string wrapped around it and canceled stamps — that Charfauros included to enhance the aura." wrote, Michael Walsh with the New York Daily News.

Proposing, this was an admissions application. I would like to think that our cultural evolution is at the end of a plateau.  I would love to see deliberate acts like this for the year 2013.  Thinking this could be an act of art abandonment or a phenomenal admissions application peaked my curiosity!  From this story we can derive inspiration.

The question is what can we do as individuals to promote our own creative growth? Personally, I will encourage and nurture my creative and imaginative advancement this year.

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